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Importing a Project

An existing Spoofax 3 language project can be imported into Eclipse as follows.

In the main menu of Eclipse, select File ‣ Import... to open the import dialog. In the import dialog, select General ‣ Existing Projects into Workspace and press Next > to open the import projects dialog.

In the import projects dialog, ensure Select root directory: is ticked and press Browse... on the right of that. Select the root directory of the language project that you want to import (the directory that contains spoofaxc.cfg) and press Open. Then, press Finish to import the project.

The project should now be imported into your workspace. Finally, build the language project by selecting the project in the Package Explorer and choosing Project ‣ Build Project. Building the project at least once after importing is required to update the project.


The project does not appear in the Import window

Ensure the project has associated .project and .classpath files, and that they are not ignored for version control. Minimum file content.