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How to Enable Semantic Code Completion

Semantic code completion is now part of Spoofax 3.

Enabling Semantic Code Completion

To enable support for semantic code completion in your language:

  1. Add the following to your language's spoofaxc.cfg file:

    tego-runtime {}
    code-completion {}
  2. Declare the following strategies in your language's main.str2 file, where MyLang is the name of your languages (as defined in spoofaxc.cfg:

    rules // Analysis
      downgrade-placeholders = downgrade-placeholders-MyLang
      upgrade-placeholders   = upgrade-placeholders-MyLang
      is-inj                 = is-MyLang-inj-cons
      pp-partial             = pp-partial-MyLang-string
      pre-analyze            = explicate-injections-MyLang
      post-analyze           = implicate-injections-MyLang
  3. In your Statix files, for each rule define a predicate that accepts a placeholder where a syntactic sort is permitted. For example:

    rules // placeholders
      declOk(_, Decl-Plhdr()).
      typeOfExp(_, Exp-Plhdr()) = _.

Using Semantic Code Completion

In Eclipse, in a file of your language, type the placeholder somewhere where it is permitted. Unless overridden, the placeholder is a sort name within double square brackets, such as [[Exp]]. Then put the caret on the placeholder and press Cmd+Space on macOS (or Ctrl+Space on Linux/Windows) to invoke code completion.

In a future release the placeholder will not need to be input explicitly.


For this first release of semantic code completion, there are some limitations:

  • You have to type the placeholder explicitly to invoke code completion.
  • If the file contains errors, code completion might fail to return results.
  • If you have catch-all predicates, code completion will not work. For example:
    // This prevents code completion from finding completions:
    typeOfExp(_, _) = _ :-
      try { false } | warning $[This expression is not yet implemented].

These limitations will be lifted in subsequent releases.